
In certain areas, hydrogen appears to be helpful when compared to other energy sources. Other renewable energy such as solar and wind are only available at certain times throughout the day. Mining operations use a significant amount of energy and can’t always rely on electrical batteries, because of their huge energy density, required to run them. Hydrogen has quick refuelling times, contains high energy density, and always maintains a consistent power supply for the power-hungry machineries and equipment. Hydrogen is also very versatile and can be sized to run various equipment and machines. This ranges from power tools all the way to complex mineral processing machines.

Hydrogen production is classified by two colours, designed to differentiate between the sources of power used to achieve electrolysis.

  1. Green Hydrogen – uses renewable resources, such as wind or solar as the source of power. Prohibitive costs and requirement for access adds timing delays.
  2. Grey Hydrogen – uses fossil fuel combustion to generate power for electrolysis.

Hydrogen Becoming a Reality in Mining

There are many uses possible for hydrogen power. These include:

  • Transportation – Diesel-powered trucks converted to green hydrogen-powered trucks in mining operations. As well as, drill rigs, excavators and trains.
  • Production Facilities – Green H2 production facilities implemented across multiple locations.
  • Site Power – Mine sites and local vicinities.