Our Mission

Our mission is to help create sustainable practices in the metallurgy and engineering fields.


Environmental Impact

At GGE we place high value on protecting the environment and we aim to be sensitive to the environment, through environmentally sustainable building design, energy efficiency improvements and waste reduction initiatives. We keep abreast of developing technologies which aim to protect and remedy adverse effects on the environment.

GGE as an Employer

GGE is an equal opportunity employer and values its employees and their families. We provide flexible working arrangements to accommodate study, family and health commitments. We hold regular employee social events to foster positive relationships amongst employees. GGE encourage and provide professional development programs and mentoring to all employees.

Industry Development

GGE recognises the importance of promoting and supporting a sustainable and co-operative mining industry. We are members of multiple professional and industry associations which support and service the metallurgical and engineering professions and mining industry. At GGE we also encourage our employees to be involved in industry events and associations.

Community Support

GGE believes in supporting worthwhile endeavours. We are committed to backing our communities by regularly supporting various charities by fundraising, donations and event sponsorship. Our employees are also encouraged to be involved in community events. It is important for GGE that we contribute and are actively involved in our local communities.

Consumer Advice

We are beginning to see a number of mine sites switching from diesel to natural gas for power generation, where connection to an existing gas line is possible.

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Emerging Technology

Renewable energy for mine sites is a current issue and new technologies are emerging. Mining companies have ambitious emissions reduction targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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Remote Sites

Renewable energy technology for lowering carbon emissions, whilst optimising energy costs, is becoming an attractive trend for how modern mine sites operate.

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Green Energy

The mining industry in Australia consumes roughly 10-16% of the country’s total energy. As the mine sites continue to produce more volume, the energy consumption will increase.

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